Thursday, October 11, 2007

Early Release Due to Sneaky Behavior

There was nothing unusual about this day to make me think that my life was about to change. My morning had been spent frantically trying to catch up on things that should have been done yesterday. (Alright, alright... a week ago... but who's counting, right?) After deciding, yet again, what lunch to feed my ever increasingly picky eater, I finally reached my favorite time of day... nap time. My heart skipped a beat at the thought of a whole hour (or hopefully two) ALL TO MYSELF. I dreamt of sitting and watching something very non-animated... maybe even taking a nap. That made me chuckle a little as I settled for a few minutes to balance the checkbook in peace. Time flew by and I knew that things would be coming to a close very shortly. I heard him stirring in the next room... I said a silent prayer that today would be that lucky day that he would roll over and go back to sleep for another 10 minutes. Allowing myself to slip a little deeper into that mommy selective hearing mode, I suddenly jumped when he appeared out of the corner of my eye...

Wait... what?!? How in the...?... Nooooo!!!! The time had come. My dear sweet boy... the one who keeps me running from morning 'til night. The overactive 2 year old that just wont stop. The one who had NEVER shown even an ounce of interest in finding his own way out of that wonderful invention, the crib. Suddenly, my one last haven... was gone. First, he learned to crawl. Then, he learned to walk. Even when he learned how to open and close doors. Through it all, I could always count on the crib. The one thing that would always keep things exactly where and how I wanted them. Safe, happy, LOCKED UP. In the blink of an eye, it was gone.

And that is what it's like to have children, isn't it? The moment that you think you've finally nailed down a good routine, and things are flowing kind of smoothly... wham! Your world flips upside down and you have to start from scratch. New plan. New routine.

So, now we've got the "big boy bed." (We received a great toddler bed from my sister here in Albuquerque). And you all know how that plays out. Days, weeks, even months of convincing your child that after over 2 years of being behind bars, they should actually choose to stay in bed on their own. Right.

So that has been my life for the past week. I know all parent have to go through it, in some form or another. But seriously... sometimes you have to stop and wonder about it all. But here I sit. My husband is in bed, and yes, even the boy is finally fast asleep in his non-crib. We'll just pretend for now that things will stay that way all night...


Shayla said...

Oh Man!!!! And I thought MY life sucked! :-) Seriously, I HATE this part of growing up. Haven't you heard of the crib net? I would've opted for one of those over those toddler could totally get another year out of the crib that way. :-) Sorry Jen, it just isn't fair. Loved the writing, by the way, I am so out of my league next to you. Okay, tell me a good time of day to call you and I'm calling. I miss you too much to keep this blog-communicating-only connection between the two of us. It just isn't right. :-) Love you!

p.s.-you think getting rid of the crib sucks, just wait until he won't take naps at all anymore. Hee-hee-hee! Oh sorry, I'm supposed to be patting your back and telling you it will be alright, aren't I?

RPH said...

that is a great post! you are such a good writer! kids sure are fun when they "grow up" huh? makes for more adventures in our lives!

Becky said...

I agree with Raygon, you are a very good writer! Don't worry, life outside the bars isn't too bad! My only complaint is that my boy now wakes up way too early, which makes him a little grouchy till naptime. I hope that Noah likes his new bed!

slyn said...

Tell me that wasn't a first draft, very well done!
Now I'm really feeling guilty for Sydni still being in her crib, but she hasn't tried to get out.
I hope he is adjusting well, learn all the tricks so you can help me when Sydni breaks free! Tee hee!

slyn said...

Wouldn't you know the second I say something about her not climbing out of her crib, she starts to do it? AHHHHH!!!! Looks like she'll be getting a big girl bed for her birthday after all.

LaurieO said...

I loved your post! Harrison and Cassidy were opposite of each other. He was perfectly content to stay in his crib. Cassidy, on the other hand, began sleeping in a Toddler bed at a much younger age than him. It is funny how they are all so different! Good Luck!