Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Rejoining the Human Race

I have a tendency to let myself get a little carried away when it comes to the length of my blog posts, this I know. And because it has been literally months since I last updated anyone of the craziness that is my life, I began to stress about how freakin' long this one would have to be just to squeeze in all the updates of late. So, in an attempt to keep at least some of you reading and not sleeping, I'm going to shake this one up tag style.

1. For the first time in my life, I absolutely hated Christmas this last year. You know it's a bad one when your pregnancy has you so sick that your only Christmas wish is to die.

2. Those great drugs that I once called my friends in the last post? I have since de-friended them and still have anger issues resulting from the fact that they worked for my first pregnancy and for some reason did not for this one.

3. Just so not everything I say about the last few months is negative, here's a silver lining: I am over 5 months pregnant and have still not gotten back up to my pre-pregnancy weight. (Not to say that you could tell that from looking at me... I look at least 6 months pregnant already).

4. If anyone asked me to describe the first 4 months of my pregnancy with Noah, I would have honestly and totally seriously said that I thought I was going to die. If you asked me today to describe the first 4 months of this pregnancy, I could only honestly tell you that the worst part was knowing that I wouldn't die. No kidding- nobody should ever have to live through that.

5. The good news? At around 17-18 weeks, it started to lift and since then (I'm currently 21 weeks) I have decided that I am, in fact, human once again. I feel great now and am currently loving life.

6. Last week we finally heard from the FAA. On March 4, Rick received a phone call from them requesting that he report to school in Oklahoma starting on March 31. (No, they weren't kidding) In less than two weeks my husband will be leaving a very pregnant wife and our 3 year old boy to begin what will be the craziest roller coaster I could ever have imagined.

7. Noah and I will be staying with Rick's parents for the first 3 weeks. Then, on or around April 14th, we will head up to Utah for about 6 weeks to stay with my parents. At the end of May, Noah and I will move back down to Albuquerque and stay once again with Rick's parents for the remaining 3 weeks, at which time Rick will come home to us!

8. We are scared and excited and nervous, but if any of you know me at all, you must know that I am totally psyched about all of this! I live for change, I love to move, and one day I know for sure that we will look back on this and know that it was TOTALLY WORTH IT!

9. My official due date is July 23. Rick is due to come home on June 23. At my last doctor's appt. both the ultrasound and the doctor found that I very well may be 1-2 weeks further along than my due date predicts. They aren't going to change my due date, but my doctor said not to be surprised if/when the baby comes a few weeks early. The timing could not have worked out better, but seriously... God sure does have a sense of humor. (Cutting things a little close, don't you think?)

10. Drum roll please... Noah has been saying for months that the baby was going to be a boy, and although I 'm fairly certain that he doesn't really understand what he's predicting, it turns out that he was right all along. According to the ultrasound, we will soon be welcoming a little bubba #2!

So, while it may not have cut down on the length, how's that for wrapping up your life in 10 items or less? Stay tuned, though. There will undoubtedly be more coming and after months of being in bed, I've got lots of posts swimming around in my head waiting to be written. How much have I missed this!?!