Monday, April 23, 2007

100 Things About Me

Here it is... the list of 100 things about me. Enjoy!

  1. I am 24 years old, married, and have an (almost) 2 year old son named Noah.
  1. I have lived in Albuquerque for about 4 ½ years, and in that time have come to only slightly dislike it. (Seeing as how I really hated it when I first arrived, that’s really saying something.)
  1. I lived in Washington State my entire life until I graduated from high school, at which time I ran as far away from Longview as I possibly could (Florida, see #4).
  1. I lived in 4 different states in the period of just over 1 year. Washington, Florida, Idaho and then finally New Mexico.
  1. Although a west coaster by birth, I’m totally an east coaster at heart.
  1. I joined Weight Watchers 5 weeks ago and have established a real love/hate relationship with the program.
  1. My husband finally caved and bought me an elliptical about a year ago. I harbor no hatred for my beloved elliptical, however. I workout like a mad woman 6 days a week, and that machine is what keeps me sane.
  1. I have 5 older brothers and 2 older sisters.
  1. I’m terrible at long distance relationships. I’m constantly trying to improve my e-mailing, phone calling, and just any contacting in general, really. If you know me, then you know this terrible trait of mine already.
  1. I consider myself to be a very loyal friend. I may be terrible at keeping in touch, and it may have been months since we last talked, but say only one word and I will literally drop everything and come running.
  1. My favorite color is sage green.
  1. I’ve had asthma since birth.
  1. I could live off carbonated drinks, but have had to seriously curb my addiction since it’s so totally terrible for you.
  1. I finished over a year of college by the time I graduated high school.
  1. I was majoring in nursing when I met Rick and stopped going to school so he could. I don’t regret it at all, but still dream of getting my degree someday.
  1. I would love to work as a labor/delivery nurse or as a nurse in the NICU.
  1. My husband calls me “Monica Gellar” because I’m so freakishly organized and clean all the time.
  1. I work on an as needed basis for my brother (he’s a podiatrist), doing credentialing work for all the insurance companies.
  1. I have 22 nieces and nephews, have had LOTS of babysitting experience, thought I was as prepared as I could be to have children of my own, and was TOTALLY blown away when I got pregnant and had my own son. I now know that there is NO SUCH THING as being prepared for children.
  1. There are two things I’d like to do before I die. One, I’d like to visit Australia. Two, I’d love to go sky diving. (Rick says, “no way” to #2… so we’ll see…)
  1. I love to scrapbook and make cards, but never spend enough time with it.
  1. I miss the water more than anything. I’ve always lived near the ocean and would give anything to live closer.
  1. I’m SUPER critical of myself and wish I could stop caring so much what people think of me.
  1. My biggest fear in life is not being “enough.”
  1. My best friend here in Albuquerque is Amanda. She’s almost as quirky and crazy as I am.
  1. Two weeks ago we got Dish, and I think my life has changed FOREVER! It’s not the extra channels… it’s the DVR!!!
  1. My husband and I both agree that we wouldn’t have liked each other had we known each other in high school.
  1. I LOVE food. I have a very emotional relationship with it and find much comfort in cooking, smelling and especially eating it.
  1. I love to read and have to be careful when I start a new book. It has to be timed right or whatever else I’m doing at the time gets totally forgotten and neglected.
  1. I love to sing and wish I could start voice lessons again.
  1. I compare myself to everyone and everything. It’s a terrible habit and I never measure up!
  1. I HATE speaking in public, but can actually fake it pretty well.

33. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I’m only 24.
  1. My husband is totally mechanically minded. If it can be done with your hands, than he can do it. He has an understanding of cars that I will NEVER get, but totally adore. I love that he can fix almost anything in the house that breaks, and if he doesn’t know how to fix it, he totally digs learning how. And I am the kind of woman that LOVES that about my man!
  1. I breastfed my baby for the first two weeks until we both got an infection, and then we got it again, and again and again… I finally quit and wish I didn’t have to.
  1. I want to breastfeed my future babies, but am scared that I have been too spoiled with Noah on a bottle. It was so easy!!!
  1. I thought I was going to die the first 4 months of my pregnancy. I lost 10 pounds and was sick all day, every day. It amazes me that someday I am going to actually choose to do it all over again!
  1. I love to light two candles in my living room and sit on my couch after I’ve cleaned the whole house. There is something so calming about a clean home… Is that totally demented?
  1. I have to consciously tell myself to let go of the control. It’s an anxiety issue of mine.

40. I LOVE Mexican food.

  1. I would take humid heat over dry heat any day.
  1. I’m sitting here wondering why I thought I could ever come up with 100 things about me…
  1. I’m a total impulse buyer… Rick is NOT. It’s been a real learning experience.
  1. I do all the finances in our family. I love Quicken.
  1. I wish I had a piano. It’s very therapeutic.
  1. I love mail. Snail mail, e-mail, you name it. Even if it’s a bill with my name on it, it makes me feel special.
  1. My son hasn’t figured out how to climb out of his crib yet, and so far doesn’t show any interest. I’m wondering if it’s okay for me to keep him in there until he’s at least 12?
  1. I love to drive. I’d take a stick shift over an automatic any day. I know it’s bad, but the faster the better.
  1. I’m one of the few wives out there that doesn’t tell my husband to slow down the car… don’t ask me how many tickets he’s gotten since we met.
  1. I’ve never gotten a speeding ticket.
  1. I love doing abs workouts. I love the pain that comes the next day even more.
  1. I love my room right after I’ve made my bed.
  1. I HATE that my husband always tries to sit on the bed after I’ve made it. He wrinkles it!!!
  1. I’m a creature of habit. I love schedules and plans, almost to a fault.
  1. Noah is a first grandchild on Rick’s parents’ side. I love how much they love him!
  1. I daydream about all the clothes I want to wear after I lose the weight!
  1. I absolutely abhor running, but secretly wish I loved it.
  1. My son became utterly obsessed with trucks before the age of 1. I’m starting to crave a baby girl.
  1. I love my hair with highlights, and only wish I had the money to do it and keep it up.
  1. My husband bought me a Mogu pillow (they feel like they are filled with sand) when I was pregnant, and now I can’t sleep without it.
  1. Now that we’ve got so much family living so close to us, I’m secretly scared that we’ll never leave Albuquerque.
  1. I really don’t like water but drink oodles of it every day.
  1. I wish I had a truck.
  1. We’d like to have 4 kids, but just thinking about it makes my heart skip a little. I’m totally overwhelmed with just one some days.
  1. I love making grocery lists. I love crossing them off even more.
  1. I always like to have a blanket on me. If I’m hot, then I’ll take off some clothes so I can have the blanket.
  1. I think I have cute feet.
  1. I’m secretly having a love affair with potatoes. I love them. Any way, shape, or form.
  1. I love birthdays. I make a huge deal out of them and want the same in return for mine.
  1. I have tiny ears. Seriously, if you know me but haven’t noticed, just look next time you see me. You’ll see.
  1. I HATE being video taped.
  1. I can’t roll my R’s. My husband laughs and calls me a “gringo”.
  1. I went to New York City for Thanksgiving right after 9/11. It was amazing and I dream of going back.
  1. I love when my husband tells corny, stupid jokes.
  1. I’m a glass half full type of person most days.
  1. I’m terrible at taking pictures and always wish I had more of my family.
  1. Rick and I want to serve multiple missions after we retire.
  1. Blogging is totally new to me but I hope it sticks.
  1. I’ve got what our family refers to as an “Ivey nose”, which pretty much means BIG. Having said that, my sisters tell me that mine isn’t so bad, and my wonderful husband denies that I have a big nose at all, bless his heart.
  1. I hated P.E. in school.
  1. I love to sew.
  1. My sister and I once made up a song about the BK Hershey Sundae Pies they sell at Burger King. They are wonderful creations.
  1. Now that I think about it, the song actually included a few verses about their French fries, the Whopper Jr., and I believe it was sung to the tune of “Oh, Christmas Tree”.
  1. My husband laughs at me because I was born in the 80’s.
  1. My first job was at a tiny little café. I was awesome at making any kind of coffee drink, latte, etc. but never tasted any of them.
  1. I hate the smell of coffee.
  1. I once received roses from 3 different guys on Valentines Day.
  1. There’s an ice cream man that drives through our neighborhood every day. His music annoys me.
  1. I was born in Walla Walla, Washington, and my husband laughs every time I say that.
  1. I wish I was more creative with my hair.
  1. I’m addicted to my son’s pacifier. It can make him stop crying instantly!
  1. I’m scared to even THINK about potty training Noah. He shows absolutely NO interest in it.
  1. I love to take kick boxing classes.
  1. I once tried a spinning class and thought I was going to die.
  1. The best class I ever took at college was an Intercultural Communications course.
  1. I used to collect the tabs from pop cans.
  1. I’m a cowgirl at heart.
  1. My son is addicted to The Backyardigans and I have seen EVERY episode at least a hundred times.
  1. I actually kind of enjoy doing laundry, although I hate folding it.
100. I can’t believe I actually came up with 100 things, but realize that the minute I post this blog, I’ll come up with at least a hundred more!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Alright... I cave!

So, I'm giving in. After months and months of hearing about and reading other blogs, I'm finally caving. I have to admit, however, that for some odd reason this is a lot harder than I expected it to be. I actually set up my account on blogger like a month ago, and from time to time I come to look at my very empty blog and try to convince myself to get started. But, even with all of the millions of things that I would like to talk about, I find myself totally speechless. So here I am, on a day that is absolutely no different from any other day, and I'm totally caving.

It all began with my sister who lives up in Washington. (I know you're reading this right now, Shayla... Hi!) I really owe it all to her. Both my desire to start blogging and my absurd fear of it. I love reading her blogs and hearing about her days and it got me all excited to start my own, and then I'd think a little harder and realized that the reason I loved her blogs was because she was so freakin' good at it! She never fails to me make me laugh, if only because I can relate so ridiculously to half the things she says. She's an amazing writer and it suddenly occurred to me that perhaps my blogs wouldn't be nearly as much fun as hers. And then, back to the other hand, I think of how much I miss her and with life being so crazy and things getting in the way, her blog in many ways makes me feel like the gap between states isn't quite as large. So here I am, trying to close the gap a little more... between her and perhaps anybody else who stumbles upon my craziness.

Shayla was telling me that a good way to begin blogging is by doing the whole "100 Things About Me" post. Which, by the way, when I really start thinking about it too hard, I can come up with, like... 3. Don't laugh... it's a work in progress. So, that's my goal for now. We'll see how that goes!