Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Weight Watcher Woes...

So, Rick and I have decided to try and get pregnant again. Technically, we went off the pill about a month ago and I have been curiously waiting to see if it would happen as quickly as it did the first time. Alas, it wasn't meant to be, as I found out yesterday that I wasn't pregnant yet. A part of me was disappointed, but I found myself strangely relieved in a way. Not that I don't want to have another baby, but I'd really like to be a LITTLE closer to my goal weight before I pack it all back on. So, I'm thinking to myself that now I've got another month to do the whole Weight Watcher's thing, but jumping back into it has proven to be WAY harder than expected.

My sister, Shayla, came down to visit for about 3 weeks, and at the time I decided to not worry about the whole diet thing. After all, we don't get to see each other all that often and frankly, eating is like the best thing you could possibly do while doing nothing! Well, to make things even worse, I've been having a lot of problems with my elliptical lately, and since it's been like pulling teeth to get it fixed, my whole exercise regimen also got put aside. Alright, so I've gained 4 pounds since Shayla arrived, and she left almost a week ago. Last Thursday, to be exact. And I thought that once she left, I'd just pick up where I left off and get back on track. Well, I don't feel bad about the weight gain, I expected that would occur. And it was totally worth the 4 extra pounds! But like I said, she left last Thursday and I woke up Friday morning feeling totally deflated. I mean, seriously, I just crashed all day. I felt like I was the one coming home from vacation and having to face reality again! I need my sister here permanently! So I chucked Friday and determined to start again on Saturday. But when I woke up on Saturday morning I found myself justifying. I mean, really, who starts fresh on a Saturday? I should just enjoy the weekend and start new on Monday. Haha.... Cue Monday morning... I did it! I got on the elliptical and did my thing (almost killing myself in the process, might I add.) I ate a good healthy breakfast and lunch, counting my points like a good girl, and following the weight watcher plan. But then Rick called to let me know he was getting off early and wanted to go see the new Transformers movie and since we still had a gift card to Olive Garden, we'd go there for dinner. Just so you know, it IS possible to stay on plan and still go out to eat. That fact, however, must have slipped my mind since I ended up TOTALLY blowing the rest of the day. Then, yesterday was Tuesday and I found out I wasn't pregnant. That kind of news certainly deserved at least a burger and fries, and oooohhhh.... the cherry Dr. Pepper. Tuesday went down the drain. Okay, so now it's Wednesday, and so far I think I'm doing a little better. Ask me again in 5 minutes and I might say something else, though. I did work out today, but then Amanda and I went out to lunch at Chili's. I only got the soup and salad and I nixed the soda. So, technically, I haven't gone over on points today, but at any given moment I may be reaching for that pan of brownies that Rick had me make him last week...

Enough about my weight woes! I just needed to vent my craziness. Wish me luck!!