Thursday, June 12, 2008


I slowly closed my eyes as I felt my fingers curl themselves ever so slightly around the bar in front of me. Even with them closed, I could sense the bright red color that, for tonight at least, signified my freedom. It had been forever, it seemed. I allowed myself one small step forward as I listened for the tiny squeak that I knew would inevitably accompany the turn of the wheels. Most of the time that noise would annoy me along with a million other aspects of this errand, but tonight... no... tonight I would allow that noise to be my background music. I would allow it to lull me into a false sense of time, allow it to carry me senselessly up and down the isles. I knew by heart that my first stop would be that beloved dollar section. Oh, how many times had I urged myself to pass by, knowing that my small shopping partner would never allow me to exit without something in stow? But this errand was different. I was alone this time. Blessedly child-free. When was the last time I'd been able to visit this wonderful world of red and white without dodging the toy section and hurrying through the rows of bliss only to grab and get through the check-out lane without any tantrums or mishaps? How long had it been? As I aimlessly wandered up and down every isle in the store I knew that my time here would be ending soon. I knew that I must return, and I knew then, just as I know now, that tomorrow I will surely awake and wonder if it was all just a dream...


Heath said...

Jenny, you seriously are a crack up. I love the red and white store as well. I could spend hours in the clothing and jewlery and shoe departments --oh and the home decor section as many little time! :)

Becky said...

:D So true. I love your writing!

LaurieO said...

Very funny! I literally laughed out loud at this one. Yes, if we never shopped with children, we would never truly appreciate what it is like to shop alone..... :)

MarQuette said...

What I loved about this is your truly fantastic writing! You should be an author if you're not already!